Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cris' lost earring

Where did you get the earrings from?
My good friend Lucy knew I coveted some Tiffany earrings and that I wasn’t in a position to buy them. She found these great replicas that really summed up what I loved about the design and got them for me as a pressy.

When or how did you loose the earring?
About 2 years after she gave them to me I went for dinner with my boyfriend. When I got home I realised I only had one in. I was gutted as I loved them so much. The next night my boyfriend surprised me with buying the actual earrings from Tiffany’s. Until now I have not confessed that when she sees me wearing the earrings that are not the ones she got me.

Why did you keep the lost earring?
It was a present from a very good friend and I would never throw it away.


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Darlinghurst, NSW, Australia
If you would like to contribute a lost earring story please email your story and image to I look forward to receiving your contributions!

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